Eno, a filmmaker, is a compassionate comedian. Driven by unexpected stories, he satirizes industries and social norms to expose human vulnerabilities. Born from a spiritually deep architect mother and satirical cartoonist father, his work straddles both the emotional and hysterically absurd. His work ranges from narrative, commercial to music-video. After attending NYU’s Tisch, his satire of the ad industry, “The Pitch”, took the ad world by storm, earning him the #1 Creative Campaign slot on Ad Age, multiple front pages on Creativity, Shots and LBB Online. He has won the Cannes YDA award for humor and over 30 others including Ciclope, Kinsale and The Lovies. His new satires of the wellness industry, fashion world and PR landscape landed multiple front pages in top advertising trades and Vimeo Staff Picks. Until he exits the ‘emerging’ category as a filmmaker and can completely live off of his work, he continues as a consultant for other directors, helping them pitch diaper and cinematic acne commercials. He also works curating some of the best music for hotel lobbies and top pasta restaurants. It is in these monotonous situations where he does his favorite activity…observing and creating wild characters that inspire new stories.
DE Commercials - Tony Petersen Film - michael@tpfilm.de
Personal - eno@enotainment.xyz